Conf42 Quantum Computing 2024 - Online

Advancements in Quantum Warfare

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The talk signifies the progress in quantum techs in the military. It covers the breakthroughs and applications of quantum technology in warfare, highlighting how these advancements are transforming military strategies and operations, and their potential impact on national security and defense mechanisms.


  • This talk will be about how different quantum technologies can assist modern warfare in improvising their performance. I will start with the definition followed by the main components of the quantum technology. Then I will discuss different warfare mechanisms followed by later section on global progress.
  • Quantum technology can be classified into three main components, quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum sensing. Governments and defense organizations are exploring these technologies for secure communication, advanced sensing and navigation systems. There are still major challenges.
  • Quantum computing will be increasingly used for specialized applications such as optimization problems, complex simulations, and machine learning in academia industry. In next ten years, quantum computers with hundreds to thousands of qubits could emerge and are being more complex. In the next ten to 20 years, fully fault tolerate quantum computers could become a reality.
  • Quantum sensei is one of the replica advance in quantum technology and making it to the real world. Quantum clocks provide unprecedented accuracy in time measurement, essential for navigation systems such as gps. The reliability and longevity of quantum clocks are paramount for military applications.
  • The quantum radar operates similarly to classical radar by sending a signal towards a target and waiting for the reflected signal. Quantum radar can potentially detect stealth aircraft and submarines that are designed to be invisible to conventional radar systems. But quantum radar systems currently have limitations in range and power.
  • Quantum imaging uses quantum optic principles to enhance imaging capabilities beyond the limits of classical systems. These advancements allow quantum imaging systems to perform tasks such as behind the corner imaging, low light level detection, and high resolution 3d mapping. Ensuring the security and reliability of quantum images systems is paramount for military use.
  • Shor's algorithm threatens public key encryption methods like RSA, DH and ECC. Classical hacking and physical attacks on quantum equipments or other equipments. PQC implementation is also critical and should be prioritized. Developing and designing quantum resilient algorithms is crucial to withstand quantum computing.
  • quantum technologies can be utilized for space and underwater warfare. Quantum technologies can also significantly enhance classical electronic warfare systems. Overall, quantum tech still significantly enhance eye star intelligence surveillance target acquisition reconnaissance capabilities.
  • China and the United States are heavily invested in quantum technologies. Technology has potential to transform industries and enhance national security. The quantum Horford market is expected to grow significantly over the next decade. There are 3000 key players in global quantum warfare market.
  • Many quantum technologies are still in the experimental development stages. Strategic planning and prioritization are required to maximize the impact of investment in military applications. The next few decades will be critical for advancing these technologies.


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Welcome to the conf session on advanced mixing port of warfare. So this talk will be about how different quantum technologies can assist modern warfare in improvising their performance. So this will be the slow of this talk. I will start with the definition followed by the main components of the quantum technology. Then I will discuss different warfare mechanisms followed by later section on global progress. Then I will go through the challenges in concluding revamps. Let's start with the down quantum workfare in simple perks. It refers to the utilization of quantum technologies for military strategies, operations and weapon systems. It uses the superior cover bridges of quantum advancements, which surpass traditional methods in encryption data processing. In environmental sciences, these innovations can connectively optimize logistics, improve the decision making processes, and enhance the performance of autonomous systems. The foundational principles of quantum mechanics were established in the early 20th century, with the contribution by Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Nielsburg, etcetera. These early developments were purely theoretical and not connected to webpage. Then, during the Cold War era, both the United States and the Soviet Union invested heavily in scientific research, including quantum mechanics. So while the primary focus was on nuclear and conventional arms, there was also some theoretical research into quantum effects in various other technologies like radar, cryptography, etcetera. Following that, in the 1980s, quantum gate distribution was proposed, which laid the groundwork for secure communication methods, and this could theoretically be applied to military communications as well. Then, in the 21st century, advancements in quantum computing and sensing technologies started showing potential military applications. Governments and defense organizations began exploring these technologies for secure communication, advanced sensing and navigation systems. Today, countries like the united states, China, etc. Are heavily investing in quantum technology research, military applications, and this includes quantum radar, quantum sensing for submarines, quantum communication satellites, and so on. The current research on the quantum technology can be classified into three main components, quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum sensing. Let's start with the quantum computing part. It's when you use the principles of quantum mechanics for performing operations and computation. This is done with the help of a quantum quantum computer uses qubits instead of classical bits. So these quantum computers come in various types, each based on different principles and technologies. For example, IBM and Google use superconducting qubit based quantum computers. Then we have ironq and Honeywell, which uses trapped irons, quantum annealers by d five, and so on. Each type of quantum computer has its own strengths and challenges. They are specifically used to solve complex problems. So these quantum computers usually function as subroutines within classical computer programs, with classical systems managing the main control and performing tasks less efficient for quantum processing. Due to their size and need for cryogenics, quantum computers are unlikely to be personal devices in the near future. Instead, they are accessed by cloud services offered by platforms such as Microsoft and Amazon Prickett, which integrate quantum computing resources from various manufacturers into a unified ecosystem. Now let's see some aspects of quantum computing. The first one is quantum machine learning and artificial intelligence. Quantum computing's properties like superposition, parallel computation, and integral wind have garnered significant interest across various scientific and engineering fields, which has led efforts to adapt classical machine learning algorithms for quantum computing, particularly during the NISC era. Quantum operating's probabilistic nature and parallelism promise advancement and semi supervised approaches such as reinforcement learning and vision networks. Another one is quantum enhanced MLAI, so they enhance specific machine learning tasks like quantum sampling, linear algebra operations, and quantum neural networks. The quantum memory and algorithms are still in the development phase. Now let's see the role of quantum ML and AI for mimicry. Quantum enhanced pattern recognition can identify objects, patterns and anomalies in data the classical algorithms might miss. This is valuable for tasks such as detecting hidden terrorist networks, predicting enemy movements, recognizing threats, etcetera. It can be also useful for accurately predicting potential future conflicts and scenarios, which enables military planners to develop proactive strategies and plans. Also, QML can process massive datasets much faster than classical machine learning algorithms. This capability is crucial for analyzing intelligence data from various resources such as satellite images, communication intercepts, and social media. Then, with the assistance of quantum ML and AI, they can significantly improve the performance of the automated defense mechanisms that respond to cyber threats in real time. This is by reducing response times and reducing damage from cyberattacks, which includes UAV's autonomous drone vehicles and maritime drones. It can also enhance military wargaming and simulation by providing more accurate and realistic models of combat scenarios, which allows for better training and preparation as well as the development of more effective strategies. So there are still some major challenges. Quantum computers are highly prone to errors due to their delicate quantum screens. Error correction is a significant challenge as it requires quantum error correcting codes to to detect incorrect errors without disturbing the quantum information and developing these codes and implementing them efficiently remains a major hurdle. Next is developing quantum algorithms, which can actually show improvement over classical algorithms. So also, classical machine learning algorithms do not have straightforward quantum equivalency in general. So developing new quantum algorithms that can handle the ML task while being practically implementable on quantum hardware is an ongoing area of research. Coming to the data part. Classical data needs to be encoded into quantum stage for implementation of quantum computers. This encoding process can be challenging limiting the practical application of QML. Next, we have quantum memory, which is essential for storing quantum information reliably over time. However, creating stable and long lasting quantum memory is challenging due to decolons and noise which have corrupt stored quantum information. It is also an important ongoing area of research as it would enable the retention and retrieval of quantum data necessary for storing complex competition and long term projects. Another important aspect is quantum optimization. The optimization is in the quite important for balanced functioning of large systems and resources, and quantum optimization provides techniques to solve these complex problems. They are particularly useful for np hard problems which become impractical to solve otherwise. The brute force has complexity increases. One such algorithm is QAOA, which combines quantum operations with classical optimization techniques to find approximate solutions to optimization problems. Cuba is another approach used in quantum optimization, particularly suitable for analog quantum computers. It involves transforming your optimization problem into a form that can be tackled by quantum annealers or other quantum devices. Quantum inspired classical algorithms derived from quantum methods like QAO may also provide performance improvements without requiring quantum. Various demonstrations and proof of concept applications in sectors like traffic, logistics, and finance highlight the practical utility of quantum optimization, especially using analog quantum computing. Now we see its role in military. So first application we have is in mission planning and scheduling, which includes determining the sequence of operations to optimize the effectiveness of the mission. Effective planning and scheduling are crucial for coordinating multiple games and assets, minimizing risk, and adapting to changing rotations. Next is the resource allocation, which refers to the optimal distribution of limited resources to various tasks projects. In a military context, this involves assigning personnel, equipment, and funding to operations where the impact can be maximized. Then we have another decision making process, like all general decision making processes, which involve gathering and analyzing relevant data, considering various alternatives, and choosing the best course of action. And it is necessary for making well informed, timely decisions that maximize mission effectiveness and minimize risk. Then, one of the well known applications, logistics and supply chain management, which is coordinating and managing the flow of goods, services, and information from origin to destination. In a military context, this ensures that troops have the necessary supplies, equipment, and support to carry out their missions. Here are some challenges as well. The first one is converting classical optimization problems into quantum formats that can be effectively processed by quantum assets algorithms. Then, creating systems that integrate quantum and classical computing to leverage the strengths of both is necessary but challenging due to differences in computational paradigms and architectures. Next is scalability. Scaling quantum computational solutions to handle large military operations and logistics is a complex task that requires significant computational resources and infrastructure. Apart from this, there are several other algorithms. Quantum searching algorithms such as Grover's algorithm and quantum random work mechanisms, offer significant speedup for unstructured data analysis. The HHL algorithm shows potential for superpolina will speed up in solving linear equations beneficial for fields requiring large scale numerical simulations despite practical resource constraints. Some other examples are quantum phase estimation and variational techniques like VQe, which are dominant approaches for quantum stimulation. Now, let's look at the timeline of the future progress. Quantum computing is advancing rapidly. Current quantum computers, such as those developed by IBM, Google, etc. Have demonstrated the capability to perform specific computations faster than classical computers for particular tasks, which is known as quantum supremacy. However, these systems are still in the Nisk era, characterized by noisy qubits and limited error correction. So in the next five years, improvements in quantum error correction and qubit coherence times are expected. Quantum computing will be increasingly used for specialized applications such as optimization problems, complex simulations, and machine learning in academia industry. In next ten years, quantum computers with hundreds to thousands of qubits could emerge and are being more complex. In practical applications. We may see more robust, error corrected quantum computers that can outperform classical systems in a wider range of tasks. Then in the next ten to 20 years, fully fault tolerate quantum computers could become a reality, revolutionizing fields such as cryptography, material science, and drug discovery. Practical, large scale quantum computers with millions of qubits could solve problems currently intractable for practical computers. The next component is quantum communication. It is transmitting quantum information using fibers of three space channels with quantum communication protocols. Quantum communication protocols suggest quantum key distribution enable the exchange of cryptographic keys with theoretically unconditional security, as any attempted eavesdropping can be detected due to the disturbance it causes to the quantum states being transmitted. Quantum communication and cryptography research focuses on developing quantum safe cryptographic algorithms to secure data against potential threats from quantum computers, ensuring long term data security and privacy. Slide the first aspect of quantum communication, which is quantum key distribution or key QK did so. QKIt is designed to securely distribute a secret key between parties for encrypting data over classical channels. It uses the no cloning theorem to ensure that any eavesdropper is detectable due to the disturbance caused by measurement. Unlike classical encryption, which can be potentially broken with powerful quantum computing computers, QKD uses quantum bits or qubits that change state when observed and hence preventing eavesdropping without detection. So there are two main protocols, BB 84 and E 91. The BB 84 protocol, which requires pre distributed quiz and quantum random number generation, is simpler technically. In contrast, the E 91 protocol uses quantum entanglement to generate keys during distribution, which makes it more complex with not requiring pre generated randomness numbers. And so some of these products are commercially available in the market, and further research is also going on. So now let's see the role in military QKD provides theoretically unbreakable encryption. When using the principle of quantum mechanics, maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information is paramount in military operations. QKD ensures that communications between command centers, troops, and other military assets remain confidential and secure from interception by adversaries. Next is secure satellite based communication satellites equipped with QKD technology can establish secure communication links over long distances, overcoming the range limitations of terrestrial QKD systems, and this is particularly important for global military operations and coordination between geographically dispersed units. QKT can facilitate real time secure communication between military satellites and ground stations, ensuring that commands and intelligence are transmitted securely and without any delay. Military networks that control critical infrastructure, such as missile defense systems and surveillance networks, can use QKD to protect against cyber attacks and unauthorized access. Here are some challenges as well. Implementing QKD on a large scale, such as across an entire military network, is difficult due to the need for point to point connections and the lack of efficient quantum repeaters. This limitation makes it terrain challenging to deploy QKD broadly without significant advancements in network architecture. Integrating QKD with existing military communication infrastructures poses significant challenges. Current systems are based on classical technologies, and transitioning to QPT would require substantial upgrades and potentially a complete overhaul of existing networks. QPT systems require specific and often expensive hardware, such as single photon detectors and sources, quantum repeaters, and high precision synchronization tools. This specialized infrastructure is not readily available in many existing military communication networks. QCD is highly effective over short distances but faces significant challenges over long distances due to photon loss and decoherence. While optical fibers can transmit QKD signals over tens to hundreds of kilometers, extending this range requires complex and cost free solutions, such as quantum repeaters, which are still in development stages. While QGIT is theoretically secure, practical implementations must account for potential side channel attacks and physical tampering. Ensuring that the entire QK systems, from hardware to software, is secure against all possible attacks is complex and requires constant vigilance. The sensitivity can cause signal loss, breaking reliable operation in often harsh military environments. Challenging the next aspect is a quantum network, which is designed to transmit qubits between spatially separated quantum processors. The structure of quantum networks mirrors classical networks comprising end nodes like quantum resizes communication lines, optical switches, and quantum repeaters. Quantum networks enable secure and direct communication between quantum computers, allowing the exchange of quantum data. This capability is crucial for the efficient redistribution of computational tasks based on the performance of individual quantum computers. It facilitates the division of large computational tasks into smaller ones that can be processed simultaneously by multiple quantum computers. Undistributed quantum computing, when numerous quantum computers are networked together is likely to be the practical realization of scalable quantum computing systems. And now we see the role in military quantum position verification technique can be used to verify the location of military assets and personnel without revealing the integration of quantum networks allows for distributed quantum computing where multiple quantum computers can work together to solve complex problems. This can be particularly useful for military applications that require significant computational power, such as cryptography, simulations and data analysis. Quantum networks are inherently resilient to tampering and eavesdropping due to the principles of quantum mechanics mechanics. Any attempt to intercept or alter the quantum information transmitted over the network would be detected, ensuring the reliability and integrity of military communications and data transfer. Some of the challenges are listed here. The first one is development and maintenance of components like optical switches, so maintaining quantum components is crucial. Quantum repeaters are necessary for long distance quantum communication, but are still in the experimental system stage and developing practical, efficient quantum repeaters that can be deployed in military networks as a significant hurdle. Depending on the application, end nodes might need to handle single or multiple qubits. They may also require quantum memory to store quantum information temporarily, so this is also a challenge. Next important aspect is post quantum cryptography PQC so post quantum cryptography bears encryption techniques designed to withstand future quantum computer attacks. While current asymmetric encryption methods are vulnerable, symmetric cryptography algorithms and hash functions are generally considered secure against quantum attacks. Most current symmetric cryptographic algorithms and hash functions are still secure against quantum attacks, and increasing key size can mitigate risk posed by quantum algorithms. With growers, algorithm cryptographers are creating new algorithms in anticipation of q t, when current cryptographic methods will become vulnerable to quantum liquidity. This can safeguard the integrity and authenticity of relative data. One of the main challenges in post quantum cryptography is considered to be the implementation of potentially quantum safe algorithms into existing systems. So there are tests done, for example, by Google, Microsoft, and Apple to ensure the security. Here is the timeline for CTF. Quantum communication, particularly quantum key distribution, is already being implemented in pilot projects and limited commercial applications. Quantum communication networks like the quantum Science satellite launched by China, have successfully demonstrated long distance quantum entanglement and secure communication over hundreds of kilometers. So next five years we can see expansion of jukery networks in urban and metropolitan areas for secure communication and continued development of satellite based quantum communication for long distance secure communication. In next five to ten years, we can see the integration of quantum communication protocols with classical Internet infrastructure to create hybrid quantum classical networks and development of quantum repeaters to extend the range of quantum communication. In next ten to 20 years, there can be realization of a global quantum Internet allowing secure communication across continents. This will involve robust quantum repeaters and satellite constellations to maintain quantum entanglement over long distances. Let's move on to our next component, quantum sensei, which is one of the replica advance in quantum technology and making it to the real world. From laboratories, it refers to the use of quantum properties to measure the physical quantities like magnetic and electrical fields, temperature, pressure, time, frequency, etcetera. So its strength lies in the inherent weakness of the quantum systems, which is their instability against the external environment. Using this, the quantum sensors offer unparalleled sensitivity and precision in measuring, providing better stability and superior performance compared to the conventional sensors. The first aspect is quantum clock. Quantum clocks have highly precise time keeping devices which utilize laser cooled single ions confined in an electromagnetic track to achieve unprecedented accuracy. State of the art chip sized atomic clocks achieve an uncertainty of two into ten to the power minus twelve. By quantum logic. Single ion clocks have uncertainties as low as nine into ten to the power -18 so this level of precision allows quantum clocks to perform new types of measurements, including the ability to measure height differences between points on earth with an accuracy of 1 cm. This opens up possibilities for highly accurate gravitational potential measurements and other applications where precision timing is crucial, such as satellite navigation, network and finance. OVC role in military quantum clocks provide unprecedented accuracy in time measurement, essential for navigation systems such as gps. Precise timing ensures more accurate positioning, crucial for military operations. Quantum clocks enable more accurate timing in missile guidance systems, increasing the precision of targeting and reducing the likelihood of collateral damage. Precise timing is critical for the coordination of complex military maneuvers and the synchronization of multi phase attacks. Also, synchronization of communication networks ensures secure data transfer between military units and command centers. Now we see some challenges for military applications, the reliability and longevity of quantum clocks are paramount. Ensuring long term stability and minimal downtime is a critical challenge that must be addressed. The power consumption of quantum clocks, especially those requiring cryogenic cooling, is a critical concern. Developing energy efficient motors that can operate autonomously in the field that frequent maintenance is essential for practical deployment. Quantum clocks involve complexity that is currently not as compact or portable as needed for various military platforms. Achieving miniaturization while maintaining accuracy and stability is a significant technical work done. The next aspect we have is quantum radar. The quantum radar operates similarly to classical radar by sending a signal towards a target and waiting for the reflected signal. It utilizes quantum features in both the radiation source and output detection to outperform classical return resistance, and for this it leverages quantum mechanical effects such as the uncertainty principle and quantum entanglement. Quantum radar can effectively counteract conventional retarding techniques, so spoofing signals cannot match the original quantum state of the radar's internal signal, allowing the system to filter out these and other environmental sources and hence enhancing detection accuracy. Quantum radar shares properties with noise radars, including preparative detection and efficient spectrum sharing. Various protocols currently exist, such as interferometric quantum radar, quantum illumination, hybrid quantum radar, three dimensional enhancement, each having its own requirements, strengths, and limitations. Now we see the ruling military a quantum radar can potentially detect stealth aircraft and submarines that are designed to be invisible to conventional radar systems. The higher sensitivity and ability to distinguish signals from noise allows quantum radar to identify stealth targets more effectively then in electronic warfare. So quantum radar is less susceptible to jamming and interference compared to traditional radar systems. Its use of entangled photons and quantum illumination techniques can maintain signal integrity even in environments with significant electronic countermeasures. Then, in maritime applications, quantum radar can enhance the detection of submarines and underwater mines. The increased sensitivity and resolution of quantum radar systems can help in identifying objects beneath the water surface, which are typically challenging for conventional radar. This was particularly important important for maintaining the safety of satellites and other space assists in an increasingly crowded space environment. Now we see some challenges. So quantum radar systems currently have limitations in range and power. The efficiency of quantum radar declines over long distances and achieving high power outputs while maintaining quantum properties, is technologically challenging. This limits the practical development of quantum radar in extensive military operations and applications. Its dependence on other quantum sources, like high entangled photon generation sources and quantum memory makes it less reliable in current scenario. Quantum radar protocols, such as interferometric quantum radar, are highly sensitive to noise and require the preservation of quantum entanglement, which is difficult in practical real world environments. Quantum decoherence, where quantum states lows their coherence due to environmental interactions, also remain of ethnic and health. Next, we have quantum imaging. Quantum imaging uses quantum optic principles to enhance imaging capabilities beyond the limits of classical systems. So key components and techniques in quantum imaging systems include sprite arrays, which are highly sensitive detectors that measure time of flight of photons for 3d imaging. Quantum ghost imaging, which uses entangled photons to create images from correlations allowing for low light and non line of sight imaging. Sub shot noise imaging, which utilizes correlated photons to surpass classical noise limits and applicable detection of weak absorption, which employs entangled photon pairs for target detection in noisy environments, maintaining advantages even when entanglement is decreasing. These advancements allow quantum imaging systems to perform tasks such as behind the corner imaging, low light level detection, and high resolution 3d mapping. In the future, it could be used to store patterns of data in quantum computers and allow communication through highly encrypted information. Now we see that rural in military so quantum imaging allows for non line of sight imaging, which is critical in urban and battlefield environments where direct line of sight is often obstructed. Spider is combined with advanced quantum protocols can detect objects hidden behind corners or walls, providing tactical advantages by revealing enemy positions and movements that are otherwise concealed. Quantum imaging systems can operate effectively in low light and low visibility predictions. Techniques like quantum ghost imaging utilize entangled photons to produce high resolution images with minimal light, allowing for surveillance missions to continue uninterrupted during night operations or in other adverse weather conditions. Quantum imaging offers a higher signal to noise ratio compared to classical systems, making it possible to detect and image objects with greater clarity and precision. This improved SNR is crucial for applications such as monitoring the battlefield environments, identifying threats, and guiding precision initiations. It enables high resolution 3d imaging and mapping of terrains and structures. This capability is essential for creating accurate topographical maps, planning military operations, and navigating complex environments. Now we see some challenges. The quantum emerging systems, such as those using sprite areas and entangled photons, involve sophisticated technology that is complex to develop and maintain. The production and maintenance of these advanced systems require substantial financial investment. Also, these techniques are highly sensitive to environmental conditions. This can pose significant challenges for development in diverse and harsh military environments. The data generated by quantum imaging systems are also vast and complex, so requiring advanced algorithms and high performance computing resources for real time processing and interpretation is also a challenge. Ensuring the security and reliability of quantum images systems is paramount for military use. Protecting these systems from cyber threats, jamming, and other forms of electronic warfare is crucial. Additionally, the systems must be reliable and resilient, able to perform consistently under the stress of combat conditions and potential adversarial actions. So, in the next few years, prototyping and testing quantum sensors in various environments will continue to take place. This includes laboratory settings as well as field test in more practical scenarios such as on drones and satellites. Initial deployments of quantum sensing technologies for specific applications, such as precision navigation and resource exploration, are anticipated. After that as technology matures, we can expect more quantum sensing devices to enter the commercial market. This period will see increased integration of quantum sensors in industries like oil and gas exploration, environmental monitoring and healthcare diagnostics. Then we can expect more extensive use of quantum sensors in military applications, particularly in US and China. Later on, quantum sensing technologies are expected to have widespread adoption across various sectors. It is also possible to have fully operational quantum radar systems with long range capabilities and integration into space and naval based back homes with non capabilities. Now we see some examples of quantum technologies that can be used for attacking and that for defending. So for attacking. So first we have Shor's algorithm. So Shor's algorithm threatens public key encryption methods like RSA, DH and ECC, potentially enabling decryption of previously collected data. For example, ECC has shorter keys so attack will be easier as this will require lesser qubits. Then we have growers algorithms, so it provides speedup in searching for the key which weakens symmetric key encryption but is currently impractical due to quantum resource requirements. Simons algorithm and superposition queries pose risk to wage and AAD algorithms, and then finally the trivial attacking methods. Classical hacking and physical attacks on quantum equipments or other equipments. Until new softwares are not quite properly secure, hacking will always remain a threat. Also, the quantum networks are subjected to physical attacks by external damage and external attack. Now we see some defensive mechanisms. So although with existence of vulnerabilities at hardware and software endpoints, QKD still provides a secure method for encryption key exchange, which is verified by mathematical proof. So PQC implementation is also critical and should be prioritized to counter the risk of future decryption by quantum computers. Next we have quantum crypto agility. The current trend involves preparing existing infrastructure for quantum crypto agility, waiting it for the deployment of standardized PQC as soon as it becomes available. Then we have emerging quantum resilient algorithms in progress, and developing and designing them is crucial to withstand quantum computing. Moving on, let's see some scenarios on how some quantum technologies can be utilized for space and underwater warfare. So let's see some space warfare first. So first we have satellite based QPE. So instead of ground to ground, satellites can be used as trusted repeaters. This is because they facilitate secure long distance communication, although they face security challenges similar to terrestrial systems. Currently, advanced protocols like measurement device independent QKD are being explored to enhance security and mitigate potential cyberattacks on satellite control systems. Then quantum goes to merging technology and satellites which provide superior surveillance capabilities, particularly under adverse weather conditions or during nighttime. This technology allows for high resolution imaging even in cloudier, foggy environments, improving military and intelligence operations from space. Next, we have quantum enhanced detectors like quantum radars or radars deployed on satellites, which offer significantly improved protection and tracking capabilities for other satellites, space one objects and space jabras. These quantum sensors provide detection sensitivity compared to classical radars, particularly for objects smaller than ten centimeter. Then the weaponization of space, which includes the development of satellites equipped with laser weapons and satellites capable of attacking other satellites. Quantum technologies enhance these capabilities by improving target detection and precision. If we have underwater sensitive quantum magnetometers and gravimeters can detect and classify underwater hazards without active sonar emissions, which helps to maintain the stealth of surveying vessels. Then there are quantum enhanced sonars which offer higher precision and sensitivity, allowing for better detection of submarines undersea canyons without emitting detectable sonar winners. Quantum inertial navigation systems provide precise navigation for submarines and other underwater vehicles without the need for external signals which can be disrupted or detected. So, large submarines can incorporate these systems including necessary cryogenic cooling. Quantum magnetometers such as quits can detect submarines and underwater mines with significantly greater sensitivity and range combination. Comparative classical magnetic and anomaly detectors squid magnetometers have the potential to detect submarines from distance up to 6 km for a surpassing in the current detection range of a few hundred meters by classical detectors. These errors work with enhanced noise separation, making it difficult for submarines to avoid detection. Additionally, unmanned underwater vehicles equipped with quantum magnetometers can be used for mine detection and utilization. Then, similar to ND satellite anti submarine warfare capabilities can be also adopted. Some other warfare capabilities also. Quantum technologies significantly enhance positioning, navigation and timing systems with quantum clocks, providing high time measurement accuracy crucial for global navigation satellite systems. Then, quantum sensing based on magnetometric gravimetry and gravity gradiometry provides high precision data for studying earth surface and underground structures. These technologies can detect unit gravitational magnetic footprints of natural and man made objects. Quantum technologies can also significantly enhance classical electronic warfare systems. For example, the integration of quantum computing in electronic warfare can optimize rf spectrum analysis through quantum MLEi techniques. Then, other quantum timing enhanced participants can improve other quantum various electronic preference capabilities such as signal intelligence, counter DRFM, and counter radar jamming. So overall, quantum tech still significantly enhance eye star intelligence surveillance target acquisition reconnaissance capabilities, which is helpful in strategic, multiphase and multidisciplinary operations. Moving on to the next section, these are some top countries investing in quantum technologies. This includes India, USA, Canada, China, Russia, Australia, Japan, Israel, Singapore, South Korea, UK, European Union, and so on. There are two front runners in the current global market, which are China and US. So both China and the United States are heavily invested in quantum technologies, recognizing the potential to transform industries and enhance national security. The first is the government structure. The US employs a three pillars model for quantum research, dividing the federal investment among civilian, defense, and intelligence sectors, while for China substantial support comes from the People's Liberation army and the big defense companies it recruits. China has demonstrated satellite based QKD and this infrastructure could easily be adapted for military use. While US army is currently working on quantum television politician research while the US is integrating quantum comprehensive into alliances such as NATO, China is collaborating with Russia in various technological fields with potential for closer cooperation in quantum technologies. The US has traditionally led in quantum computing innovation. China has made significant strides in, particularly in quantum communication and quantum sensing. Let's see the budget. The US had increased its investment in one technology from $500 million in 2015 to almost $2.1 billion in 2021. However, China had no rise, with investments growing from $300 million to an estimated $13 billion over the same period. So this data clearly captures the magnitude of their commitment for this cause. Apart from government r educational research parties, 3000 key players in global quantum warfare market contributing in one way or the other. So as of 2022, the quantum warfare market was valued at approximately $134.66 million. So this valuation reflects the early stage of technology adoption and the ongoing research and development efforts in the field. The quantum Horford market is expected to grow significantly over the next decade. It is predicted to reach $540.91 million by the year 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of 16.8% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2031. This growth is driven by the increasing investment in quantum technologies by defense organizations and governance worldwide, as well as the potential disruptive capabilities these technologies offer. In order to offer now, we see green challenges. First, we have technical challenges. In most of these we have already seen in the previous sections, so it will always be a challenge to make the product actually deployable. So after this, the developed prototype should be integrated with existing military infrastructures such as communication networks, gps systems, etc. To ensure seamless interoperability. This involves complex engineering to ensure proper functioning of the quantum devices without any operational disruptions. Apart from this, they must undergo rigorous decision and validation to ensure they meet the standards required in military applications. Another crucial challenge is related to the data handling part. It's important to have efficient data handling protocols and systems that can manage the high data throughput without compromising speech or security. So these are some of the major challenges from the technical viewpoint as we are talking about war. To determine the external nature of the war, policies are the foremost thing. Each new technology in war comes with its own level of effect. So with the quantum technology, also new policies are needed. The first one is to obviously answer the ethical questions. So these technologies may also challenge existing legal frameworks, particularly concerning the laws of war and international treaties. Also, this can alter the global security landscape, potentially leading to new arms races or shifts in power dynamics. Hence, policymakers must navigate these ethical and legal boundaries to establish guidelines in compliance with international laws that balance technological advancements with moral responsibility. The next challenge is related to the standardization procedures, so ensuring interoperability between quantum technologies from different manufacturers and nations is essential for collaborative military operations. Also, establishing reliable verification protocols to authenticate the performance and security of quantum technologies is crucial. And these protocols must be rigorous enough to detect any anomalies or weaknesses, ensuring that the technologies meet the required standards for military use. So achieving overall unification in the standards and practices for quantum technologies across the military sector is essential for its effective implementation. Now, we have related to the manpower, the complexity, chefs quantum technologies necessitates a specialized training program, so military personnel, so developing comprehensive training modules that govern both theoretical knowledge and practical skills is essential to ensure that operators and technicians can effectively utilize and maintain these advanced systems. And for this, establishing dedicated courses and research programs is crucial for building a skilled workforce. This also requires interdisciplinary expertise as quantum technologies intersect with multiple fields, including physics, engineering, cybersecurity, etcetera. So collaborative programs need to be designed to foster interdisciplinary expertise. Moving on this economical challenges for the governing bodies, private organizations, and other stakeholders directly or indirectly associated with this technology. So these players, along with military organizations, must assess the long term financial impact, balancing the cost with the anticipated benefit, and sustainable funding for research and development. This calls for an efficient allocation of resources to avoid redundancy and ensure that critical areas receive the necessary support. Strategic planning and prioritization are required to maximize the impact of investment in military applications. Concluding the talk here are the key takeaways for advancements in quantum website technology signify transformative shift in military capabilities currently, many quantum technologies are still in the experimental development stages, since we have seen some technologists like QPT have already demonstrated their excellence over classical methods. While other areas like quantum sensing are fast growing and looks promising in some aspects. So there are still some unanswered questions on whether certain quantum technologies like quantum ratar will meet the practical requirements or not. But overall, the next few decades will be critical for advancing these technologies, from theoretical concepts and rebels laboratory demonstrations to practical field developer systems. Here are some references. And so that brings us to the end. So if you want to reach out to me, here's my email and LinkedIn. Feel free to connect. Thank you.

Komal Pandya

Doctoral Student @ Indian Institute of Technology, Patna

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