Conf42 Rustlang 2024 - Online

- premiere 5PM GMT

Other editions:

2022 2023


16 talks in 7 tracks

Kick-off (live, online)

Attendees, speakers & organisers are all invited to a video call. Come to meet others, ask questions and hang out. We'll explain how the conference works and give you a tour of the talks. Subscribe for FREE to get access

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Cybersecurity Awareness for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Nkorom Ezekiel Certified Security Analyst at Unified Scientific And Creative Operations (USCO)

2024-08-22 18:00:00


Rust in Edge Computing: Enhancing Performance and Security

Venukumar Chirlawar Senior Software Developer at Amazon

2024-08-22 18:30:00


Software Performance Optimization and Scaling

Reetha Vadakkekkara Azure Solutions Architect at Tata Consultancy Services

2024-08-22 18:00:00


Quantum Leap: Revolutionizing Rust Software Development with Quantum Computing

Abhinav Chunchu Senior Software Engineer at Lowes Inc

2024-08-22 18:30:00


Track: ai

Track: cloud

Track: culture

Track: deep dive

Track: security

Track: optimization

Track: web

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